A Year Without Summer
Steven Warwick 

A Year Without Summer

When someone makes a statement, one must ensure that it is accurately communicated.

This can be ensured by articulating the sentence slowly, clearly, and at an audible volume

Sometimes a sentence is wilfully obscured, this leads to its meaning being altered.

This wilfully altered sentence could take someone’s words out of context

This sentence out of context could make someone appear to say something they didn’t intended to say

Or worse, they could be accused of saying the opposite of what they first uttered.

This can be construed as a lie or falsehood

This can be construed as a defamatory comment towards an individual or group.

This sentence in term could itself be a legal allegation of defamation of character

Or as it alternatively known, character assassination.

This wilful twisting of a person’s words can create a new perception of character of the now accused, in a positive or negative light.

This new found light or reading of the perceived character could lead to them being ostracized or excommunicated from a group or community.

Without a chance to defend oneself against accusations, the sentence can further alienate the accused inside or outside of a community.

Language and words can be used to convince and influence others in an argument of rhetoric.

In an argument or debate it is important to listen to the other side even if one doesn’t agree with what is being said.

Hyperbolic statements should be contested by the asking of further questions to verify a claim of a consensus of truth.

Without access to a variety of sources, it is difficult to make an informed choice or opinion.

Gossip is a transmission, a currency and an abstraction of a perceived set of behaviour.

Animated still from Cymbeline (2020) Stephen Sutcliffe